Our bedtime routine is so important to increasing the quality of our sleep. We’re all guilty of skipping our bedtime routines in favour of just one more episode of our latest TV obsession. (Any suggestions are welcome), but maybe it’s time we started sticking to them to see how it impacts our sleep!
Whether we’re scrolling on social, or doing some online shopping, all of these activities can keep us up at night. But the truth is these habits aren’t great for our precious zzz’s. And that can leave us feeling a bit groggy the following day.
We all snooze differently, so there’s no one-size-fits-all night-time routine. The key is finding out what works for you, starting with giving your pre-bed rituals some love.
leave time to wind-down
The first step to improving your sleep is to create a blissful wind-down routine before bed. Doing this night after night should help your body and brain respond to, and welcome, sleep.
Start with picking a bedtime and sticking to it. Then try adding some personal touches to your wind-down that make it relaxing and something you look forward to. Whether that’s lighting a candle, reading a book, making yourself a sleep-friendly snack (yes, these exist), or even doing some wind-down stretches.
just breathe
It’s easier said than done, but worrying about how many hours of sleep you’re going to get or trying to get to sleep quickly won’t help you to get a good night’s kip. In fact, stress has been shown to raise your heart rate and steal your precious sleep hours at the same time. Instead, there are some easy calming tricks to try.
Try simple breathing exercises or even a sleep podcast. Feel calmer already? Us too.
use an alternative alarm
You’re in a deep sleep and suddenly the sound of your alarm shocks you awake, leaving you with that haven’t-slept-a-wink-feeling all morning. Sound familiar?
Waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle isn’t great for our energy levels, so if you’re happy to part with your usual alarm, there are great apps out there that’ll have you waking up during a light phase of sleep, avoiding that pesky groggy feeling.
Keeping the curtains open to let natural light in and sunshine alarm clocks are also good options for those of us tired of the jolt-inducing phone alarm.
create a gloriously comfy base
We spend around 25 years sleeping during our lives, so it’s a good idea to have a sublimely comfy bed that’ll carry you off to the land of nod every night. Luckily, we have a wide range of mattresses to suit every person’s comfort levels. Shop the range over on our website today. Sorted.