The Sleepeezee Blog

Hello 2019: Our New Year’s Resolutions

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People tend to start a new year in one of two ways. Either with a positive ‘go get em’ attitude or still hung up on the year gone by and not feeling so great about the next 365 days.

For us 2018 was all about turning resolutions into reality – from building new relationships and showcasing at a number of events, to investing in our products, people and chosen charities.

Here at Sleepeezee, we believe a new year is all about new chances and opportunities. So this year, we’re challenging you to do the same!

We say look at the year ahead with the right attitude and employ strategies that fuel your ambition. Whether you want to make a positive impact in your work or home life, it’s all about setting yourself up for success in the long run.

With that in mind, we thought we’d share our resolutions with the hope they might inspire you to think about yours:


  • Continue to provide excellent service – Going above and beyond our retailers’ and customers’ expectations is always a priority for us but as we see it, there is always room for improvement. Given that, we’re planning some exciting things for our customers in 2019.


  • Lead by example – As innovative leaders and advisors within the industry, we see it as our responsibility to set a good example. Our aim for this year is to be more sustainable as a company as well as taking care of our local community through volunteering and our work with various charities.


  • Expand and invest – Our final resolution is to continue to invest in our current and upcoming product offering for retailers and customers, as well as expanding to new locations within our export division to ensure our brand offering reaches our customers overseas.


So there you go, three resolutions you can hold us to in 2019!

Finally, we want to wish you all a very happy and healthy New Year and of course many nights of restful sleep.

Don’t forget, you can keep up to date with all things Sleepeezee over on social media – like our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn to see what we get up to!

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