The Sleepeezee Blog

Here’s How To Give Yourself Some TLC This Year

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Here’s to a TLC 2022! With another year behind us, we’re looking forward to the New Year and all that it has to bring.

So, if like us life has got you feeling a bit skew-whiff, you might be wondering – what gives?

The last two years have been challenging for everyone and not stopping to put ourselves first has led to a nationwide burnout.

However, remedying this could be as easy as showing yourself some much-needed TLC. Here, we share 5 tips on looking after yourself that will leave you feeling better (and sleeping soundly) in no time.

talk it out

We get it. Talking about our feelings is sometimes easier said than done. But there’s truth in that old saying “a problem shared is a problem halved”. Bottling things up can simply make us feel worse over time. So grab a pal, your other half, or a trusted workmate and have a good chin wag over your favourite beverage.

get active

We promise there is evidence for this one… You don’t have to spend hours in the gym to benefit from moving. Even a little bit of exercise can be enough to help you improve your mood and general well-being (which can lead to better sleep, too!). So whether walking, yoga or swimming’s your thing, trying it a few times a week can work wonders for your mental health and overall well-being.

find a routine

Having a routine can help us to feel grounded, especially in times of uncertainty. Whether it’s waking up at the same time each morning, going outdoors every afternoon or reading a book before bed, research shows that adding a bit of structure to each day can work wonders for our noggins and our sleep.

have some phone-free time

Don’t eye roll us just yet. Studies show that spending hours scrolling on your phone can leave your mind super active. Not ideal when you’re feeling a bit off or are trying to unwind before bed!

Stepping away from your screen for as little as an hour each day and doing something you enjoy could be just the break you need to let your mind rest and all those bothersome thoughts fall away.

prioritise sleep

As your trusty sleep experts, we had to mention sleep. Simply because it’s so darn important for all parts of our health. We know it’s just not that easy-to-get good sleep, though. Especially if you’re stuck with a whirring mind or can’t seem to switch off before bed. Luckily, we have a variety of well-practiced tips and tricks to help when we are struggling to fall asleep. Put simply, it’s all about beating the ‘skew-whiff’ state of mind so that we wake up feeling bright and bubbly after a night’s sleep.

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