For many, the new year is a time to make resolutions for the year ahead and look to January as a new beginning. We have all heard the age-old saying, ‘new year, new me’.
With this in mind, we’re taking a look back over the year and revisiting the resolutions we made at the start of 2019.
From early morning workouts to making dinners from scratch at home, or even taking time out for yourself, these were all top of our list.
For many of us our health and wellbeing will remain a top priority as we move into the new year. Here at Sleepeezee HQ, we thought instead of making resolutions this year we would share some of our top tips on how you can make simple lifestyle changes that can aid us in our overall health and wellbeing.
• Regular exercise
Exercising on a regular basis can not only improve your mind and body but it can also contribute to a better night’s sleep. Whether your goal is to lose weight, lower cholesterol or to have more energy throughout the day, this motivation will give you the drive and determination to create a regular exercise schedule – be it for an hour or even 10-minutes a day.
• Set a sleep schedule
Setting a specific sleep schedule can not only improve our productivity, concentration and overall wellbeing but it can even counter inflammation. Whilst many may think that your sleep routine begins at night, our day-to-day activity can, in fact, impact our sleep more than you think.
It is recommended that on average you should have a minimum of seven hours of sleep. This process of sleep preparation can even start seven to eight hours before bed each night. For example, cutting out caffeine after 3pm (it takes three to five hours for the body to eliminate it) and having a ‘wind down’ hour, by avoiding electronic devices such as your phone or watching TV, are a great way to prepare.
• Drink less alcohol
It’s common knowledge that alcohol and sleep are connected. Although alcohol naturally makes us feel tired, drinking has been shown to result in low quality and fragmented sleep. Even though you may get six hours of ‘sleep’, much of it won’t be restful or productive.
• Take time for yourself
If you’ve fallen into the habit of staying late at work, you may decide to pledge to leave on time. Similarly, you could promise to block out time each week for some ‘you’ time. Perhaps, take the time to listen to music or have a bath with a good book?
• Track your water intake
With water making up to 60 percent of our body weight, our daily intake is vital to our everyday functionality. Ensuring you are drinking enough water throughout the day helps to prevent dehydration and can further help detox the body and improve digestion.
• Keep the mind healthy
Mental wellbeing is just as important as physical fitness and meditation is not only a great way to keep the mind healthy but also your body. Regular meditation can significantly help to reduce stress levels, improve sleep and enhance your focus.
Here at Sleepeezee HQ we have had an amazing 2019, from the successful unveiling of our new brand proposition, Everything Is Easy When You Sleepeezee, to our partnership with British doctor and TV presenter, Dr Ranj Singh, we can’t wait to see what 2020 holds for us.
One thing is for certain, the new year will be all about you and your health. So, from all of us here at Sleepeezee, here’s to a wonderful 2020 and many nights of great sleep – after all Everything Is Easy When You Sleepeezee.
For more sleep tips and to keep up to date with all things Sleepeezee, like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter and Instagram.