The Sleepeezee Blog

Our Top 5 Essential Oils To Help You Sleep Better

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Health and Wellbeing

Lack of sleep is a problem for many, but essential oils can help!

Not only do these natural ingredients smell amazing, but their benefits go beyond their lovely scent. These incredible concoctions provide an all-natural alternative to your average sleep supplement. They help to promote sleep, diminish anxiety, lower blood pressure and relieve stress.

With this in mind, we’ve rounded up five of our favourite essential oils below. Tried and tested, these will help you to achieve a much better night’s sleep.

Essential Oils & Sleep


First up is Valerian oil – this natural ingredient will improve the quality of your sleep. Renowned for its calming properties, valerian oil will help you to unwind before bedtime and can ease symptoms of insomnia!


One of the most popular natural sedatives, Chamomile deserves a worthy place in our top five essential oils for sleep list. Chamomile has been used for centuries and is one of the common prescribed natural ingredients for easing insomnia.

Ylang ylang

Ylang-ylang flowers produce an essential oil that is effective in reducing hypertension because of its sedative properties. This can make it easier for you to drift off to sleep and can also alleviate stress and anxiety.


Another soothing oil for sleep, cedarwood has a deep, woody aroma that is perfect in a diffuser. Cedarwood can help to relieve tension and is proven to be as effective as a sedative in helping you to drift off!


Last but not least, this list wouldn’t be complete with lavender oil. Lavender is believed to slow down your nervous system and decrease your heart rate and blood pressure, which in turn helps you to fall into a deep sleep more quickly. Simply add a couple of drops to a bath and you have the perfect formula to relax and unwind after a long day.

Essential Oils Relax

So if you’re looking for natural ingredients that will promote a healthier sleep, we couldn’t recommend the above oils enough.

For more sleep tips and to keep up to date with all things Sleepeezee, like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter and Instagram

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Health and Wellbeing