The Sleepeezee Blog

Our Top Tips for Rest During Allergy Season

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Health and Wellbeing, Sleep Tips

As the flowers blossom in the growing spring sunshine, they bring along a less welcome seasonal phenomenon – pollen. This fine microscopic powder released by plants blows in the wind, sabotaging those with hay fever and allergies, inducing itchy eyes, runny noses and sneezing fits. However, a little known side effect of pollen is its ability to interfere with sleep, leaving us feeling fatigued despite our best efforts to get a good night’s sleep.

The idea of pollen having the power to disrupt sleep might seem far-fetched, but these seemingly innocuous particles of grains wield surprising power when it comes to interfering with rest. One of the main ways pollen does this is by negatively affecting the quality of the air we breathe in. During the spring and summer months when the pollen count is at its peak, the air is filled with tiny microspores which find their way into our living space through open windows, or they are brought in on our clothes when we enter our homes from the outdoors. Breathing in this air causes our respiratory system to become irritated and congested, regardless of whether we are affected by seasonal allergies or lucky enough to escape them each year.

For those with allergies, this causes the body’s immune response to respond and attack, flooding their system with histamines and other chemicals. This response in turn causes inflammation, discomfort, swelling and itching, all of which can make it difficult to drift off into a restful slumber. Research suggests that exposure to pollen can also disrupt our circadian rhythm, our bodies internal clock which regulates our sleep-wake cycles. These disruptions can be responsible for insomnia and daytime drowsiness.

Pollen can also have an adverse effect on mental health too, as the lack of rejuvenating sleep can leave us feeling an increase in stress, due to the constant discomfort and frustration. This creates a vicious cycle of stress and sleeplessness, increasing the production level of the body’s stress hormone, cortisol.

While it may be impossible to completely escape pollen during allergy season, try following our top tips below to mitigate the effect of pollen on your sleeping routine.

1. Keep windows closed: Prevent pollen from entering your home by keeping windows and doors closed, particularly on windy days when pollen levels are higher.

2. Invest in air purifiers: High-quality air purifiers can help remove pollen and other allergens from the air, creating a more sleep-friendly environment.

3. Shower before bed: Washing away pollen and other allergens before bedtime can help reduce the risk of irritation and congestion while you sleep.
4. Monitor pollen levels: Stay informed about pollen counts in your area and plan outdoor activities accordingly. Limiting exposure during peak pollen times can help reduce symptoms.

5. Consult a doctor: If seasonal allergies are severely impacting your sleep, consult a healthcare professional. They can offer advice and treatment options tailored to your specific needs.

Pollen may seem like a harmless part of the natural world, but its effects on sleep can be anything but. By understanding how pollen can disrupt our rest and taking proactive steps to minimise its impact, we can reclaim our nights and enjoy the wonders of spring without sacrificing sleep.

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Health and Wellbeing, Sleep Tips