The Sleepeezee Blog

Sleeping in on Black Friday

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It’s November so you know what that means: Black Friday is upon us, and the deals are hotter than ever!

Some shoppers, famously, get in line on Thursday night and camp outside stores so they can get a jump on the competition when the doors open. Some stores open as early as midnight to accommodate eager customers fueled by the excitement of getting good deals before stock runs out!

But we’ve got good news, we believe there is a better way to shop the Black Friday sales.

Black Friday at Home

We live in an age where virtually any product can be found online and even delivered within a couple of days. By shopping online, we can stay comfortably in our pajamas while also avoiding large crowds. So take it from us – grab your morning coffee, laptop, or even your phone, and find your favourite bargains while curled up in bed.

Sleep Deprivation on Black Friday

Still not convinced, well, have you thought about the effect that Black Friday can have on your sleep?

Most stores open extremely early on Black Friday, and some don’t close at all, staying open all day Thursday and through the night until Friday. In order to get the best deals, you would need to be either waiting around opening time or camping outside the store through the night in order to be the first in line.

Most would have woken up early or barely slept at all, so that they can get their prized promotional product before heading into work the same day. Some of the side effects of sleep deprivation include a weaker immune system, stress, anxiety, and even depression. So, you can expect a less than a productive day at work if you force yourself to sacrifice sleep for the occasion.  We also tend to eat more and will often turn to “comfort” food such as sugary snacks and fatty processed items more frequently when sleep deprived.

Sleepeezee is certainly taking the digital route in fact our pet beds, bedding and hotel products are already on sale on our website! These deals are running until Cyber-Monday and more may join them this Friday!

So enjoy a restful morning at home with your alarm set at its usual time and wake up rejuvenated, ready to hop on those online bargains!

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