It’s a strange-sounding word, we admit, but Veganuary has become incredibly popular since its conception a few years ago. If you didn’t already know, Veganuary is a campaign which is set up to encourage people to try being vegan during January.
The first month of the year is commonly the time when people decide to change their eating habits in the hope of losing weight or to improve their general health and wellbeing. This is a really great way of dipping your toe into veganism and seeing what it’s like for yourself.
However we know switching to a vegan-only diet is a big commitment for many and a possibly daunting one, but adopting a vegan diet even for such a short period of time can bring the following benefits.
Better Sleep Health
It’s true that the foods we put into our bodies throughout the day can positively or negatively affect how we sleep at night. Those who follow plant-based diets are more likely to get a good night’s sleep because their meals are typically made up of vegetables and legumes which are all generally easier to digest than animal meat.
Weight Loss
Vegan foods tend to be lower in calories than animal-derived ones, making it easier to achieve a healthy body weight without actively focusing on cutting calories.
Boost Your Mood
According to The Vegan Society, well-planned vegan diets follow healthy eating guidelines and contain all nutrients our bodies need. Some research has linked vegan diets with lower blood pressure and cholesterol, lower rates of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer.
Your Skin May Benefit, Too
Who doesn’t want a glowing complexion? When it comes to skin issues, one of the worst culprits is dairy. Aside from ditching dairy, vegans typically eat more fruit and vegetables, which means they get more of the good stuff that’s needed for healthy skin, such as antioxidants and vitamins.
Environmentally Friendly
A plant-based diet is better for the planet as it requires much less energy and farmland to feed a vegan.
So whether you’re following a plant-based diet or are just looking to try something new, there’s definitely an advantage to going vegan this January!
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